Berlin Reichstage – Baude Entrance 1909
Entrance to the "Reichstage - Baude", say it quick - Murray HoweBerlin Gates of Brandenburg 1909
The Gates of Brandenburg, entrance to their garden - Murray HoweBerlin Statue of Frederick The Great in Sans Souci Gardens 1909
Marble statue of Frederick The Great in Sans Souci Gardens - Murray HoweBerlin Statue of Frederick The Great in Sans Souci Gardens 2 1909
Marble statue of Frederick The Great in Sans Souci Garden - Murray HoweBerlin Sans Souci Gardens Terrace 1909
The famous terrace in front of the Sans Souci Gardens - Murray HoweBerlin Canal Branch of the River Spree 1909
One of the many canal branches of the River Spree in Berlin (was pinched for taking camera in here M. H.) - Murray HoweBerlin The Royal Museum 1909
The Royal Museum - Murray HoweBerlin River Spree in the City Center 1909
The River Spree in the center of the city - Murray HoweBerlin Dom on the River Spree 1909
Looking down the Spree toward the "dom" - Murray HoweBerlin The Royal Family at the Grunewald Race Track 1909
The Royal Family in the Royal Box in Grunewald Race Track - Murray HoweBerlin Grunewald Race Track 1909
Between the grand stands and the paddock - Murray HoweBerlin The Royal FAmily in the Grunewald Race Track Paddock 1909
Members of The Royal Family in the paddock - Murray HoweBerlin Crowds at the Grunewald Race Track 1909
Part of the crowd of 50,000 people covering a mile of terrace lawns in front of the Tribunes at the Grunewald Race Track - Murray HoweBerlin Crowds at the Grunewald Race Track 2 1909
The same lawn a few minutes later, showing how many people went to the paddock and the betting bootha between races - Murray HoweBerlin Crowds at the Grunewald Race Track 3 1909
Horses and people coming from the paddock - Murray HoweBerlin The Kaiser’s Palace 1909
The Kaiser's Palace Under the Linden - Murray HoweBerlin The Alley of Victory 1909
Walk along thThe Alley of Victory - Murray HoweBerlin The Alley of Victory 2 1909
The other side of the Avenue - Murray HoweBerlin Kaiser Wilhelm I National Monument 1 1909
The National Monument - Murray HoweBerlin Kaiser Wilhelm I National Monument 2 1909
One of the four lions on the corners - Murray HoweBerlin Kaiser Wilhelm I National Monument 3 1909
Another one of the lions - Murray HoweBerlin Hotel Bismark 1909
"Buttercup" of the Hotel Bismark. She paid the hotel for the priviledge of taking care of the 12 rooms and scrubbed ths back stairs while she rested - Murray HoweBerlin Village Inn 1909
A Village Inn. Spell and pronounce the first word on the sign and go to the head of the class - Murray HoweBerlin Royal Museum Granite Bowl 1909
Bowl made of a single piece of granite, in front of the Royal Museum - Murray HoweBerlin Horse Tempus Fugit 1909
Tempus Fugit, 2:06 1/4, under saddle, in Their Garden, Berlin. I owned this horse for two years and sold him to C. K. G. Billings - M. H. - Murray HoweBerlin Lou Dillon and Her Trainer 1909
Lou begging a lump of sugar from her trainer - Murray HoweBerlin Lou Dillon and Ruby Cutter Savage 1909
The queen of trotters, Lou Dillon, and one of her admirers, Mrs. Ruby Cutter Savage, of Grand Opera fame. Picture taken in the suburbs of Berlin - Murray HoweBerlin Lou Dillon 1909
Queen Lou posing with "Gladys", the stable's mascott - Murray HoweBerlin Lou Dillon and German Noblemen 1909
German Noblemen admiring Queen Lou after her first exhibition in Berlin - Murray HoweBerlin C. K. G. Billings Family on Horses 1909
From left to right - "Junior" Billingson a fat German pony; Papa Billings (C. K. G. Billings) on W. J. Lewis 2:06 3/4; and Mrs Gretchin Billings on "Monte" in their gardens - Murray HoweBerlin Lou Dillon and the Princess of Wied 1909
Princess of Wied, daughter of the King of Wurtembur, trying to make Lou look pleasant against her will - Murray HoweBerlin Blumin Corso Open Air Horse Show 1 1909
Lining up for the "Blumin Corso" in the open air horse show - Murray HoweBerlin Blumin Corso Open Air Horse Show 2 1909
Some moe fancy turnouts for the "Corso" - Murray HoweBerlin Lou Dillon and The Princess of Wied 2 1909
Another snap shot of the Princess of Wied and Lou Dillon - Murray HoweBerlin The Kaiser’s Saddle Horses 1 1909
The Kaiser's saddle horse waiting to be called out on the track - Murray HoweBerlin The Kaiser’s Saddle Horses 2 1909
More of the Kaiser's saddle nags - the peibald horse had more style and action than anything in the show - Murray HoweBerlin Woman Laborer 1909
More of the Kaiser's saddle nags - the peibald horse had more style and action than anything in the show - Murray HoweBerlin Hotel Bismark 2 1909
These two faulines are looking into the Bismark Hotel Garden where Tanner and his partner, the camera man, are eating a series of 100 course dinners - Murray HoweBerlin News Stand, Hotel Bismark 1909
A typical news stand on the corner in front of our hotel - Murray HoweBerlin Frederick the Great Museum Statue 1909
Statue of Emperor Frederick The Great in front of the museum that bears his name - Murray HoweBerlin Woman Laborer and Hitched Dog 1909
Woman working but the side of a dog - a common hitch throughout Germany - Murray HoweBerlin Andelon Hotel Unter Den Linden 1909
"Unter Den Linden", from a window in the Andelon Hotel - Murray HoweBerlin Palace Under Den Linden 1909
"Under Den Linden" with the Palace on the right - Murray HoweBerlin German House of Parlaiment 1909
German House of Parliament - Murray HoweBerlin Palaces on the River Spree 1909
River Spree near the Palaces - Murray HoweBerlin Kaiser’s Pavilion on the Ruhleben Race Course 1909
The Kaiser's Pavilion on the Ruhleben Race Course - Murray HoweBerlin The Crown Prince and Lou Dillon 1909
Tanner telling the Crown Prince about Lou Dillon while she is posing at the center of of the group just after one of her exhibitions - Murray HoweBerlin trophy Presented to C. K. G. Billings by the Crown Prince 1909
Californai girls holding the trophy which the Crown Prince presented to C. K. G. Billings through Tanner - Murray HoweBerlin Ruhleben Race Course Lake Retreats 1909
One of the many rustic quiet retreats scattered in the quiet spots along the banks of the small lakes on the Ruhleben Race Course - Murray HoweBerlin Ruhleben Race Track Coffee House 1909
A race track coffee house at Ruhleben - Murray HoweBerlin Ruhleben Race Track Stable 1909
An early morning picture in front of our stable at Ruhleben - Murray HoweBerlin Lou Dillon Rolling in the Sand on the River Spree 1909
Lou Dillon enjoyiong a roll in the sand on the banks of the River Spree - Murray HoweBerlin Ruehleben Race Track Maintenance Equipment 1909
This kinky little "float" pulled by a pair of ponies was the only track working paraphernalia used at Ruhleben - Murray HoweBerlin Boulevard From Berlin to Ruhleben 1909
Boulevard on which we rode on from the city to Ruhleben - Murray HoweBerlin Stone Fountain 1909
Corner of a large stone fountain - Murray HoweBerlin Carcotten Garden Entrance Gates 1909
Corner of a large stone fountain - Murray HoweBerlin Sea Shell Wall at San Souci Palace 1909
Panels of sea shells at the old wall around the Sans Souci Palace - Murray HoweBerlin Kaiser’s Annual Army Reveiw With 215 Piece Band Passing 1909
Military band of 215 pieces, including 105 drummers, playing outside at the Kaiser's annual review of the army on the outskirts of Berlin (note the Royal Pair). The Royal Photographer had a set of these prints enlarged for the Kaiser. His own pictures taken with German cameras were failures on account of mist and fog in the atmosphere - Murray HoweBerlin Kaiser’s Annual Army Reveiw With Artillary Brigade and Horseback Band Passing 1909
Showing an artillary brigade with horseback band playing while it passes the Kaiser and his staff stationed in line with the tree. The Royal Photographer had a set of these prints enlarged for the Kaiser. His own pictures taken with German cameras were failures on account of mist and fog in the atmosphere - Murray HoweBerlin Kaiser’s Annual Army Reveiw With Corassiers (Crack Cavalry Brigade) Passing 1909
The Cuirassiers passing - a crack cavalry regiment in gold helmets and Cuirassers. The Royal Photographer had a set of these prints enlarged for the Kaiser. His own pictures taken with German cameras were failures on account of mist and fog in the atmosphere - Murray HoweBerlin The Kaiser’s Annual Army Review With Cavalry and Horseback Band Passing 1909
More cavalry with equestrian band. All horses Black and white trappings. The Royal Photographer had a set of these prints enlarged for the Kaiser. His own pictures taken with German cameras were failures on account of mist and fog in the atmosphere - Murray HoweBerlin The Kaiser’s Annual Army Review With Infantry and Infantry’s Own Band Passing 1909
Regiment of infantry with its own band lined up opposite and facing the Kaiser. The Royal Photographer had a set of these prints enlarged for the Kaiser. His own pictures taken with German cameras were failures on account of mist and fog in the atmosphere - Murray HoweBerlin The Kaiser’s Annual Army Review of 300,000 Troops 1909
A sea of warriers - over three hundred thousand passed this point in less than four hours. The Royal Photographer had a set of these prints enlarged for the Kaiser. His own pictures taken with German cameras were failures on account of mist and fog in the atmosphere - Murray HoweBerlin The Kaiser’s Horses Being Saddled at the Ruhleben Horse Show 1909
Harnessing the Kaiser's entries at the Ruhleben Horse Show - Murray Howe

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