St Petersburg Squad of Mounted Police 1909
Work horses on their way to stables - Murray HoweSt Petersburg English Ladies With Teddy Bear 1909
English Ladies with a Teddy Bear en route to Petersburg on our ship - Murray HoweSt Petersburg Dock Hands Unloading Ship 1909
Dock hand tpes unloading ship - Murray HoweSt Petersburg Dock Hands, Cholera 1909
St Petersburg Dock Hands, Cholera 1909 - Murray HoweSt Petersburg Dock Hands 1909
St Petersburg Dock Hands 1909 - Murray HoweSt Petersburg Moujiks Game of 3 Shells 1909
St Petersburg Moujiks Game of 3 Shells 1909 - Murray HoweSt Petersburg The Czar’s Yacht in River Neva 1909
The Czar's Yacht, the Standard in the foreground and the Vanadis in the distance - both at anchor in the river Neva. Vandanis is Mr. C. K. G. Billing's yacht. A triple turbine like the Lustitania - only yacht of its type - Murray HoweSt Petersburg Czar’s Palace, The Hermitage 1909
A busy street corner at the end of a bridge. Czar's palace - rear view adjoining the Hermatige Gallery - Murray HoweSt Petersburg Rostral Columns 1909
One of the ancient towers on the top of which they burned fires of pitch to light the river - Murray HoweSt Petersburg Czar’s Marble Palace on Neva River 1909
The long line of marble Palaces facing the Neva river. Czar's palace front view - Murray HoweSt Petersburg Alexander III Statue 1909
Collossal Equstria Statue of Alexander III - Murray HoweSt Petersburg Riverfront People 1909
Odd character along the riverfront - Murray HoweSt Petersburg Street Scene 1909
St Petersburg Street Scene 1909 - Murray HoweSt Petersburg Work Horse 1909
Showing the way a Russian work horse is hitched without a trace - Murray HoweSt Petersburg Droshky (Drozhky), Murray Howe 1909
The camera man in a Drosky - Murray HoweSt Petersburg C. K. G. Billings In Droshky (Drozhky) 1909
They look like twins - the driver and his horse - both overweight. C. K. G. Billings and Tommy Franklin - Murray HoweSt Petersburg Droshky (Drozhky), Billings family 1909
Notice the Ishvorshek - like all of his ilk, he is padded with cotton a foot deep. Marguriti Billings, Dr of Dr. Frank Billings. Gretchin Billings, Daughter of C. K. G. Billings - Murray HoweSt Petersburg Droshky (Drozhky), the Billings Family 1909
The Droshkie [Droshky Drozhky] ride on The Islands. The horse is throwing his head after a long drive. Mrs C. K. G. Billings and Dr. Frank Billings - Murray HoweSt Petersburg Droshky (Drozhky) 1909
A very high class Droshkie [Drozhky, Droshky], fast trotter, hooked to a rubber tired rig upholstered in velvet, driven by a heavily padded Ishvorshek - Murray HoweSt Petersburg Cathedral of St Isaac 1909
The Cathedral of St Isaac - Murray HoweSt Petersburg Peter The Great Statue 1909
Colossal Statue of Peter The Great - Murray HoweSt Petersburg Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ 1909
The wonderful Cathedral of the Resurrection. All mosaic inside and out - Murray HoweSt Petersburg Riverfront Street 1909
Busy thoroughfare along the riverfront - Murray HoweSt Petersburg Peter The Great Monument 1909
A new monument showing Peter The Great rescuing a woman from the flood. Unveiled the day this was taken - Murray HoweSt Petersburg Cathedral of St Isaac 1909
Street Scene in front of the Cathedral of St Isaac. The rose columns on 4 sidea of the Carthedral are the largest in the world. Inside are 10 columns made of Lopus Lognia (?) and 10 of Malochite (?) - semi precious stone. Each column is 50 Ft high and 4 in diameter - Murray HoweSt Petersburg Wagons 1909
Samples of te wood wagons that are always in sight - Murray HoweSt Petersburg Wooden River Barges 1909
A close view of the great woodenn barges showing how they are packed in the river - Murray HoweSt Petersburg Barges Loaded with Wood 1909
Half of the river filled with miles and miles of barges full of wood, the only fuel used in the city - Murray HoweSt Petersburg Czar’s Palace on Engish Quay, Bridge of Boats 1909
The famous bridge of boats over the river Neva. It is removed every winter when the ice gets thick enough to bear traffic. Czar's Palace on English Quay - Murray HoweSt Petersburg Alexander Column, General Staff Building 1909
One of the Czar's Palaces with the Alexander Column. The largest monolith column of modern times on the left - Murray HoweSt Petersburg River Neva Sphynx 1909
One of the stone Sphynxes guarding the river Neva. Brought up from Egypt by Russia in 1830 - Murray HoweSt Petersburg Hotel Bellboys 1909
Hotel bellboys in scarlet blouses and knee boots - Murray HoweSt Petersburg Government Tea Wagon, Cholera 1909
Some of our boys lined up by a government tea wagon. The operator on the right and the policeman on the left. They dispensed free tea in their efforts to stamp out the cholera that was raging in the city - Murray HoweSt Petersburg Street Car 1909
Street Car that runs off the rails - Murray HoweSt Petersburg The Nevskipropekt 1909
The Nevskiprospekt, a prominent business street - Murray Howe

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